And One in Heaven....

Titus James Rumple

Born and Died June 28, 1987

Titus James Rumple was born...
  • At 1:37am
  • Weighing 5 lb. and 5 oz.
  • Length 18 1/2"
  • Head size 12 7/8"
  • Lived 13hrs 36 mins.
  • Died 3:13p.m
  • On June 28th,1987 Sunday

Parents: Terry and Pamela Rumple
Titus was born on our 4th anniversary.
We divorced July 26, 2001 after 18 yrs of marriage.

Titus was born at home, the first few hours he seemed fine, then he stopped breathing. After being revived we took him to the hospital. There we discovered he had Strep B infection.

We had taken him to Dukes Hospital in Peru, IN. At the hospital he was responsive and we were very hopeful that he would recover. The Dr. suggested we life-flight him to Methodist Hospital, Special Care Nursery in Indianapolis.

When we arrived at the hospital, we were "greeted" with the news our baby's heart had been started 5 times during the flight and we need to make a decision, "Do we continue life support or not?" They explained he was already gone except for the life support keeping his heart beating.

We held him as they unhooked the equipment and as he took his last breath.

I felt the gates of heaven open and Our Heavenly Father reached down and took Titus home.

My heart and the very depths inside me were broken. My first son, the one I had prayed for for so long, was gone. He looked so perfect. My arms were so empty and longing to hold my son. Empty Arms - a book that provided great comfort.

I don't understand the "whys?" or "how comes?". I just know that my son is in Heaven, a far better place to be. I know that because of a decision I made May 25, 1980 to trust Jesus as my personal Saviour that I will be with my son again someday in Heaven.

I will always miss him and think of him. God has used Titus in many ways and to reach many hearts. Many times my own.

Feel free to write anytime.

Email Pam at

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